Yunpeng Qing

College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University


Hangzhou, China

Hello! I am Yunpeng Qing, a first-year M.Sc. student in the Visual Intelligence and Pattern Analysis (VIPA) Lab @ ZheJiang University (ZJU), advised by Professor Mingli Song. In the past, I have received my B.E. degree from the College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University in 2023.6.

Currently my reseach interests lie in Reinforcement Learning, especially Offline Reinforcement Learning. My researching goal is to create a robust and reliable general framework for agent to effectively utilize sequantial decision-making informations data for behavior improvement. Towards this goal, my prior work has been dedicated to devising methods that facilitate the application of reinforcement learning algorithms on a variety of static datasets.

Please always feel free to contact me via if you have any questions, are interested in collaborating, or just want to chat.

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Jun 15, 2023 My graduation thesis is rated as the Excellent Graduation Thesis!
Sep 27, 2022 I am admitted to study for a M.Sc. degree at the College of Computer Science and Technolgy, Zhejiang University without entrance examination.
Sep 20, 2021 I receive the Third-class Scholarship!
Sep 20, 2020 I receive the Third-class Scholarship!

selected publications

  1. Review in NIPS
    A2PO: Towards Effective Offline Reinforcement Learning from an Advantage-aware Perspective
    Yunpeng Qing, shunyu Liu, Jingyuan Cong, and 3 more authors
    arXiv, 2023
  2. Review in TITS
    Curricular Subgoals for Inverse Reinforcement Learning
    Shunyu Liu*, Yunpeng Qing*, Shuqi Xu, and 6 more authors
    arXiv, 2023
  3. Review in CSUR
    A survey on explainable reinforcement learning: Concepts, algorithms, challenges
    Yunpeng Qing, Shunyu Liu, Jie Song, and 2 more authors
    arXiv, 2023